If you wish to help with the NetBSD project, please get involved! It can be very rewarding and a lot of fun--but you have to get involved, first.
Nigel Pearson (nigel@ind.tansu.com.au) has put together a new manual for Booter 1.11.0, which is the latest version as of this writing. Alex Lagutin has also written a Booter INIT (the link to this is long-since dead--let me know if you know of one).
The MacBSD-WWW team has compiled a user survey. It features automated adding of records, as well as searching and up-to-date statistics of MacBSD users. If your wondering if your mac will work with MacBSD, take a look in here. If your mac is already running MacBSD, why not add your system to the list?
As something related to the above, there is a page which explains issues on LC040 and NetBSD (and possibly other *BSD), written by Ken Nakata.
John Wittkoski has put together a great page on ADB and his work on it under NetBSD.
Through the work of several different people, there are now HOW-TO documents for several common things relating to NetBSD/mac68k (like setting up SL/IP or PPP, or compiling kernels).
If you are interested in who's doing what, there's now the beginnings of a list.