Booter improvement/to do list ----------------------------- Bugs: * Add workaround for having to reset PRAM on AV Macs * Cancel buttons do not cancel changes made in some dialogs * Problems with "Minimum Install"s of the Mac OS ? * Cannot open/locate locked MacOS kernel files User Interface / Functionality: * Boot from network * "Open and Boot" item in the File menu ? * Ability to "Drag and Drop" a kernel file onto the booter? This would either just set the MacOs kernel file, or do an "Open and Boot" * Multiple Monitor re-ordering and maybe depth/resolution changing. * Printable/Clearable log window ? * Redraw log window after 'Cancel' in Boot/Cancel dialog * Simple Booter extension (like Das-Boot?) which uses the same preferences file ? * Ability to open preferences from multiple prefs files, or multiple sets of preferences in the one prefs file * A single Preferences dialog that has all options, on different pages? Could use a left scroll box with different icons to set up different options, a la System 6's Control Panels, or maybe a tabbed interface. (Scott Reynolds, 15th September 1997) * Nifty triangle or popup thing for selecting disk (SCSIid and/or buss) and partition to boot off. Could also be used my MkFs and the Installer * Set 8-bit colourmap for non fully-supported graphics setups ? (Nico van Eikema Hommes 12th May, 1998) Kernels stored under MacOs: * Add ability to boot from tarred kernels (e.g. netbsd.tar or netbsd.tar.gz)