Welcome to Puma's
NetBSD/mac68k pages

Free UNIX on the Mac?

Yes! NetBSD/mac68k is entirely free, and although UNIX is a trademark of X/Open, NetBSD looks and acts an awful lot like what they call UNIX. It runs on a number of older macs. This web site is meant to supplement the official NetBSD WWW pages.

If you wish to help with the NetBSD project, please get involved! It can be very rewarding and a lot of fun--but you have to get involved, first.

What's here?

FAQs! Colin Wood (ender@macbsd.com ) has compiled some information for users of NetBSD/mac68k, including general info and some FAQs. Mark Routbert also has a search engine available.

Nigel Pearson (nigel@ind.tansu.com.au) has put together a new manual for Booter 1.11.0, which is the latest version as of this writing. Alex Lagutin has also written a Booter INIT (the link to this is long-since dead--let me know if you know of one).

The MacBSD-WWW team has compiled a user survey. It features automated adding of records, as well as searching and up-to-date statistics of MacBSD users. If your wondering if your mac will work with MacBSD, take a look in here. If your mac is already running MacBSD, why not add your system to the list?

As something related to the above, there is a page which explains issues on LC040 and NetBSD (and possibly other *BSD), written by Ken Nakata.

John Wittkoski has put together a great page on ADB and his work on it under NetBSD.

Through the work of several different people, there are now HOW-TO documents for several common things relating to NetBSD/mac68k (like setting up SL/IP or PPP, or compiling kernels).

If you are interested in who's doing what, there's now the beginnings of a list.

Other links of interest

These are links that people have sent in for other information.
Allen Briggs -- briggs@ninthwonder.com
Note: UNIX is a trademark of X/Open, Pty. Un*x is not.
Note: Apple, Macintosh and other Apple trademarks that might appear on this site are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Last updated Mon Sep 29 12:51:33 EDT 1997